Tuesday 23 April 2013

Mud Box Alien head

First Practice creating something on Mudbox

Frog Uv Mapping

For this task we had to Uv map a frog with a uvw unwrap and pelt map tools, i had a lot of crashes on 3ds max with this but it help me memorise what i was doing and became very speedy at it. Only half the uvs are mapped as i placed a mirror modifier on after

Blending Technique and Value drawing

Blending Technique: Using colour picking and opacity to blend colours and the latter instead use smudge tool to blend colours. I preferred the smudge tool and it was quick and easy and didn't require accurate colour pick all the time

Value Paintings :
I didn't understand the brief, I thought the task was to sculpt an image out of a few select grays then smudge the lines like the Head Plane task. I found it so difficult not to draw any lines and just build with grays

Body Proportions - Elf, Dwarf and Human

Robot - Paint over

Monday 22 April 2013

Canon - Paint Over Project

Failed Finals:


Skinning and Animation Practice

 For this assignment we had to take a 3D model of a women, and re-texture her in an outfit of her choice and then add a biped bone rig to be able to animate her.

The skinning modifier took a while to understand, but its quite easy. I found the difficult bit was not selecting any accidental verts, even with the lasso tool. So it took a while of going over to make sure, but got there eventually.
Two Videos below, one showing the stretch on the skin.
The other shows adding supplied motion capture files, very fun, quick and easy.