Tuesday 11 December 2012

2D Digital Painting

My 2D digital drawings, I really struggled with this. until recently when i sat down for ages working on my smoking bug drawing. However that file got lost when i got lost out of my account.


Half of my finally drawing (above)

Drawing assignment

Guns, Guns, Guns

Creating two weapons for my unity game. I created the pistol from our drawing assignment, it really helped me pratice my modelling.

Jelly fish

Jelly Fish models for unity, practising ways to enter the jelly fish star fish. The tope one works with bones however is quite falic.
 Practising with extruding a long a line tool

Cube trees

Just some trees i made for my unity project, the mapping is stretched on the outsides on purpose, pose to be punky :)

Canning it

Practicising modeling and texutring

Pretty Simple, we create a cylinder and added a slight lip to the top and bottom. Mapped the side and top and bottom with the texture provided. I added a yellow light to mimic the afritfically lighting in supermarkets.


Asteroids! We made spheres and then used to the Noise modifier (on the left) and Displacement modifier (on the Right). I used this texture to map the objects.


 I used alpha maps I drew in photoshop and experimented which brushs to create some intresting effects. However the Noise modifier was a lot more effective to creating a realistic asteroid.

We then practised using the camera movement and backgrounds to create and intresting video.
This was my final video

Starship Enterprise

We where given the task to model a spaceship enterprise using the blueprints given and texture it for a bonus.
Finished Models =
This is how I started, aligning the blue prints so I could use the poloygon tools to extrude the shape

After I made the model, I textured it. Unfortunately the blog cant display Tga files of my textures. I experimented on the model below by adding a metal texture (seen below) and lighting glow on the blue power conduits.

The third model with texturing, Unfortunately the lens effect I place on the blue conduits couldn't be rendered.  

Palm Tree

Our Homework task was to create a Palm tree, using a opacity and alpha map to make the leaves.

Although a simple task I had a lot of issuses with my renderer and had to recreate my Palm tree a couple of times.